Camworks tutorial
Camworks tutorial

The top centre of the stock will be our work offset. We will use a profile sketch of the part for the stock as it is provided as a blank. In this exercise, we will machine the top of the part below. Learn more about 3D contouring toolpaths available in CAMWorks. This cycle can be used for finishing where excess material has already been cleared and supports single or multiple depths of cut.

camworks tutorial

If a face/surface has even a small gradient, toolpath will not be generated. Toolpaths are only generated on completely flat areas. More CAMWorks tutorials are listed below. Flat Area: The Flat Area cycle uses a pocket out pattern to remove material from feature faces that are flat and parallel to the XY machining plane.Cutting starts from the highest location of the model and works downward. Step 2: Change to CAMWorks Feature Tree1. When the cursor changes to a bar, drag the bar to the right until the tabs display. Position the cursor on the line that divides the tree from the graphics area. The cuts follow the contour of the feature at decreasing Z levels based on the Surface Finish specified. If the CAMWorks tabs are not visible, you can expand the size of the tree.

camworks tutorial

Virtual Machining Using CAMWorks 2020 - Kuang-Hua Chang. Z-Level: The Z-Level cycle is a finish contouring cycle that removes material by making a series of horizontal, planar cuts. Mastercam Mill Version 9 Tutorial is available in our digital library an online access to it is.Depths of cut can be constant or variable.

camworks tutorial

This cycle removes the material between the stock or contain area and the selected feature at decreasing Z depth levels by making a series of parallel cuts across the stock, or by pocketing out toward the stock. Area Clearance: Area Clearance is the 3-axis roughing operation.Machine time can be a different story in these cases: For milling complex multi-surface features, SOLIDWORKS CAM is equipped with three tool paths to quickly and easily program most challenges.

Camworks tutorial